NFWF Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Grant Application Discussion


The Rappahannock River Roundtable and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) are teaming up to host an informational meeting for prospective grantees interested in applying or partnering on an application to the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund. Please email to register NFWF recently announced the request for proposals for the Small Watershed Grant program which […]


Chesapeake Bay Webinar Series, Leveraging Hazard Mitigation for Water Quality Benefits

Efforts to reduce water pollution can also achieve hazard mitigation plan goals. This webinar will provide examples of how local planners have integrated water quality, such as Green Infrastructure, into their Hazard Mitigation Plans. The Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration is pleased to announce this webinar series exploring the vital connections and partnerships between planners and the health of […]

Urban Tree Planting Project- Volunteers Needed

Join our partners at Tree Fredericksburg for their tree planting project on Saturday, March 19th from 9 am to noon at Great Oaks neighborhood. We will gather at 1001 Century Oak Drive about 8:50 am. We plant rain or shine. All tools will be provided including gloves and safety vests. We start promptly at 9 am […]

Rappahannock River Basin Commission Meeting

The Rappahannock River Basin Commission will be meeting in person in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Venue TBD. The Rappahannock River Basin Commission is comprised of the members of the Virginia Senate, Virginia House of Delegates, and one member from each local Board of Supervisors and City Councils that serve municipalities or districts of the Rappahannock River watershed. […]

Rappahannock River Basin Commission TAC

The Rappahannock River Basin Commission Technical Advisory Committee meets monthly to discuss a broad range of environmental and conservation topics pertaining to the Rappahannock River. This group provides feedback and recommendations to the Rappahannock River Basin Commission. Please contact Eldon James for more information and get involved with meetings Rappahannock River Basin Commission

Rappahannock River Basin Commission TAC

The Rappahannock River Basin Commission Technical Advisory Committee meets monthly to discuss a broad range of environmental and conservation topics pertaining to the Rappahannock River. This group provides feedback and recommendations to the Rappahannock River Basin Commission. Please contact Eldon James for more information and get involved with meetings

Chesapeake Bay Webinar Series, How to Leverage Conservation, Open Space and Parks Funding to Maximize Multiple Benefits

How are localities leveraging conservation, open space and parks funding to maximize economic development, environmental stewardship, and quality of life? This webinar will explore the policies and opportunities that support conservation, recreation and open space at the local level. The Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration is pleased to announce this webinar series exploring the vital connections and partnerships between planners […]

Managing Impacts to Wetlands from Solar Development

Having trouble understanding the extent of ground-mounted solar panel array effects to wetland resources? You are not alone. Close to 10 years ago, the State of Vermont started incentivizing solar which lead to the unintended consequence of increased pressure to develop within and adjacent to wetland resources. This pressure has generated a greater knowledge of […]

Rappahannock River Basin Commission TAC

The Rappahannock River Basin Commission Technical Advisory Committee meets monthly to discuss a broad range of environmental and conservation topics pertaining to the Rappahannock River. This group provides feedback and recommendations to the Rappahannock River Basin Commission. Please contact Eldon James for more information and get involved with meetings

Land Use and Environment Meeting

Join the Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission for the quarterly Land Use and Environment Meeting. The Land Use & Environment Committee is an opportunity for land use administrators, planners, and environmental managers from all counties and towns throughout the 5 county region to discuss and exchange information on topical issues related to local, state, and federal […]

Chesapeake Bay Webinar Series, The One Water Approach and How It Benefits the Bay

Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), aka. the “One Water” approach, has been embraced by APA as a best practice. Clean water goals have a strong connection to the One Water approach. This webinar will present local planning jurisdictions that have taken a One Water approach in ways that minimize environmental impacts and maximize achievement of social and economic […]

The Human Dimensions of Conservation: How Private Lands Conservation Research Impacts Behavior

Virginia Working Landscapes invites you to a free Zoom webinar: The Human Dimensions of Conservation: How Private Lands Conservation Research Impacts Behavior Wednesday, May 25, 3:00pm–4:00pm EDT Please join Rachael Green, VWL Research Fellow and Graduate Research Assistant at the Dayer Human Dimensions Lab at Virginia Tech, to learn about our groundbreaking research on the […]