Chesapeake Bay Webinar Series, A Planner’s Guide to the Chesapeake Bay

This webinar will provide an orientation to the Bay, including geography, population, the Bay program, why it's important for planners to know about the Bay and how local decision-making impacts water resources. The Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration is pleased to announce this webinar series exploring the vital connections and partnerships between planners and the health of […]

Middle Peninsula RAFT Resilience Action Workshop

Join your neighbors at the Middle Peninsula Resilience Action Workshop on January 28th from 9 am- 12 pm on Zoom to identify priority actions for the next year to increase your community’s resilience. The RAFT (Resilience Adaptation Feasibility Tool) is a collaborative process that supports community action for a more resilient future. This virtual workshop is a forum for […]

Design Tools for Landscape Pros- CBLP Advanced Training Workshop

This course focuses on landscape graphic standards and how to produce hand rendered construction documents. This three-part, in-person interactive workshop will give participants baseline tools to read and draft site plans for residential properties. The first two sessions will give participants the basics to create a design and will culminate with a “pin-up” where their […]

Today’s Menu: Harnessing the Power of a Variety of Volunteer Types

We have a lot of water quality improvement goals and there are only so many conservation professionals out there to make it happen. We all know we need more manpower, and volunteers are the key to our combined success. Volunteer engagement comes in many forms, from lifelong dedication to one-time only participants, and they are […]

Creating a Backyard Buffet for Birds, Bees, and Butterflies

Join our partners at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for this excellent webinar on creating pollinator habitat in backyards. As more forests and pastures become subdivisions, we are losing critical habitat for birds, bees, and other pollinators. Dwindling bird populations are tied to this habitat loss. Your yard can be an oasis, a rest area for […]

Ask the Expert: Freshwater Mussels of the Rappahannock River Basin (rescheduled)

This event has been postponed. Check back soon for more information.   The Rappahannock River Roundtable is pleased to continue our “Ask the Expert” series! These discussions are led by Roundtable partners and other leaders who are willing to share their expertise about various conservation topics that impact the Rappahannock River watershed and our collective […]

Meet Your Forester: Brown Bag Webinar

Blue Ridge PRISM's 2022 Brown Bag Webinar Series Session 1: "Meet Your Forester!" Connecting landowners with their local foresters Come meet your area forester during the lunch hour! This session is a virtual event during which landowners in the Blue Ridge PRISM service region can connect with their local foresters There will be a very […]

Land Use and Environment Meeting

Join the Rappahannock Rapidan Regional Commission for the quarterly Land Use and Environment Meeting. The Land Use & Environment Committee is an opportunity for land use administrators, planners, and environmental managers from all counties and towns throughout the 5 county region to discuss and exchange information on topical issues related to local, state, and federal […]

Chesapeake Bay Webinar Series, Plan Integration for Resilience AND Equity

Planners have a number of plans for which they are responsible. Two factors, climate resilience and equity, are top-of-mind as we try and integrate planning strategies to provide multiple benefits. This webinar will explore examples of successful plan integration and their relation to building in more resilient approaches to local decision-making. The Mid-Atlantic Planning Collaboration […]

Today’s Menu: Re-Verifying Residential BMPs, Lessons Learned While Creating a Protocol

Join Guest Speakers Barbara Gavin and Justin Shafer for this great webinar. Elizabeth River Project began implementing residential Best Management Practices (BMPs) for pollution reduction credit (nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment) in 2014 with funding from the City of Norfolk. These projects range from rain gardens and lawn care plans to living shorelines and riparian buffer […]

Plant Central Rappahannock Natives Campaign Meeting

Join the George Washington Regional Commission and local partners to discuss the Plant Central Rappahannock Natives Campaign. Contact Kate Gibson for more information: Meeting Information: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Learn More | Meeting options

NFWF Quality Assurance Project Plan Webinar- Field Assessment, Stakeholder, Geospatial, Modeling, and Secondary Data Projects

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund grants often require grantees to complete and follow a quality assurance protection plan (QAPP). This webinar will cover all project types conducting data collection or analysis other than those conducting sample analysis in a lab or as part of fieldwork. The types of projects […]